Grand Central Creative Campus | Glendale, CA

The 10-acre urban infill campus was designed for a movie studio corporate office, and engaged with concepts of 'magic' and 'whimsy.' Organized around a narrative of connecting the central corridor with the distant hills through the concept of oasis, a three-part custom water feature channels water from higher to lower elevations with the existing site grade. Dense plantings, intimate seating areas, and custom furnishings also contribute to the oasis concept, and create spaces for employees to relax and socialize, while mitigating the sometimes extreme climate of the location. Plantings are native or low-water use, and materials sourced from reclaimed where feasible. Close collaboration with the architects, engineers, client, and fountain consultant were critical to the success of the project.
Role: Project manager/lead designer

photo credits: Jonnu Singleton, Tom Fox, SWA